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by Kevin Mitchell on 14 February, 2022

A new £200 ‘application’ charge for disabled drivers who need a disabled parking space outside their home has been branded a ‘disability tax’ by campaigners.

Conservative run Devon County Council’s is planning to bring in the new £200 ‘application fee’ for disabled parking spaces from April as part of their budget plan.

However, the new ‘disability tax’ as it’s been branded by opposition Liberal Democrat councillors at County Hall could be scrapped altogether if their alternative plans are backed on Thursday (17th) when Devon County Council meets to set its budget for the 12 months from April.

The Liberal Democrats say that instead of slapping a new charge on disabled drivers, the Council could instead cut the £9.6million a year spent on temporary and agency workers.

Liberal Democrat opposition leader, Cllr Alan Connett, said:”The Conservatives’ £200 disability tax is a charge for a disabled parking space that will hit the most vulnerable hard.

It comes at the same time when people are really worried about heating their homes and the quickly rising cost of living. People with a disability often have higher heating costs too.

“The Government is certainly short-changing Devon, but we say that the money could be found from other places at County Hall. For example, the massive budget for temporary and agency staff.”

“Scrapping this disability tax is part of the Liberal Democrats alternative budget plan.”

The Lib Dem plan will also see more spent on fixing potholes, highways safety, supporting cycling and local community organisations, said Cllr Connett.

Under our plan, we would:

* Put in an extra £3.6 million for the care and safety of roads and pavements, including replacing the faded white road markings

* £400,000 for 20mph limits for communities that want them

* £1m extra for mental health services

* £1million to support local ‘green’ initiatives

* Stop the £120,000 cut to locality budgets which help very local organisations and projects

Cuts to staffing budgets and using existing reserves already set-aside for public health services and climate change would fund the plans, including scrapping the ‘disability tax’, explained Cllr Connett.

Government funding to Devon County Council has been dramatically cut over the past 7 years with the Rate Support Grant cut by over £130 million to just £500,000 now. Council Tax income is said to make up 80% on the council’s income, up from 61% a few years ago.

“Devon really is feeling the pinch, there’s no doubt about that. Government is short-changing our county while cash goes elsewhere.

“Just look at Westminster, in London, where the Band D council tax is £828(*) this year, compared to £1,511 for Devon County Council alone.

“This shows just how unfair the Council Tax is and is now a huge burden for hard-pressed Devon residents. It’s time to scrap this awful tax and find a better and fairer way of funding the local council services that are so greatly needed.

“At County Hall in Exeter, they’re having to find ways to generate income. The ‘disability tax’ is an example of what’s happening under the Conservatives, but they are also now planning to charge people for arranging their care support, if they are paying the costs themselves. It will be a big surprise for the families of people who need help after April 1, when the new budget takes effect,” added Cllr Connett.

Devon County Council meets on Thursday (17th) to set its budget and Council Tax for the 12 months from April.

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